Making a Difference
Author self portrait
This is my natal chart.for anyone that can read it. I am an Aquarian with Sagittarius Rising. I have been studying Astrology for 30+ years. I have found it an invaluable addition to my life and that of my family. It is particularly useful in the diagnosis and understanding of illness.
'I, Sir, have studied it, you have not!'
Sir Issac Newton when questioned on the value of Astrology.
A properly drawn chart is 360 degrees. All the star signs are represented on the OUTER CIRCLE. Each one consists of a 30 degree segment. The precise position depends upon the precise time you were born. Imagine the chart rotates anti-clockwise by a degree every four minutes. Thus if you are ten minutes out in your precise birth time, the chart is two and a half degrees in error! An hour wrong and it is 15 degrees out! The MIDDLE section are the HOUSES. These are said to represent different areas of life. Within them are the SYMBOLS for the PLANETS. In the INNERMOST CIRCLE are the lines which connect the planets. These are called the ANGLES.
The planets move at different speeds in relation to the earth. We are familiar with Sun's annual cycle and the Moon's monthly cycle. However the other planets also have regular cycles - indeed Astrology is essentially the study of planetary cycles.
Moon Cycle Monthly
Progressed Moon 27 and a half years
Sun Cycle Annually
Venus 9 14 months
Mercury 11-13 months
Mars One year 10 and 2/3rds months
Jupiter 11.88 years
Saturn 29.42 years
Chiron 60 years
Uranus 83.75 years
Neptune 163.74 years
Pluto 245.33 years
The Zodiac is mysterious
Everyone knows this
The influence of stars and planets
Is dismissed by the unknowing
How can they know without study?
Studying patterns brings insight
Insight creates understanding.
The price of insight is responsibility
Responsibility weighs heavy.
It is the burden of Astrologers.
Experience of patterns gives power
Power is easily misused
Everyone knows this.
Astrology gives special wisdom
Great wisdom demands great delicacy.
Birthdays create destiny
Destiny is inimitable
Not everyone knows this.
They think they have choices
They fight to get their way.
The stars move on inexorably
Fate always has.
Cycles flow and return
And choice is dissolved.
Only the wise know this.
The wise flow with fate
The unwise rail against it.
Astrology shows fates wishes
Willing acceptance of your destiny
Is the wisest course.
Astrologers calculate in many ways
Yet Every way works.
Why is this?
Every way reflects the cosmos
The great shines through the small.
What came before Astrology
Who knows this?
Man's questions and curiostiy
Must stop at the Infinite
Only the Gods know such mysteries.
© LP 16.11.96